Curly Cabello - Lavado y acondicionamiento
Cabello rizado - Peinado
Curly Cabello - Difusión
Cabello ensortijado - Lavado y acondicionamiento
Cabello ensortijado - Peinado
Cabello ensortijado - Difusión
Wavy Cabello - Lavado y acondicionamiento
Cabello ondulado - Peinado
Wavy Cabello - Difusor
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
Educación sobre los rizos
¿Quieres sacar el máximo partido a tus rizos y hacerlos brillar como nunca? Aquí tienes todo lo que necesitas saber para conseguirlo. Desde sencillos consejos y trucos para conseguir volumen hasta una explicación detallada sobre la porosidad de tu cabello.
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
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the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement
the movement