Curly articles

On this page you will find comprehensive instructional videos that are not only informative, but also very fun to watch. Have fun watching!

Type 2C hair: Everything you need to know

Is your hair very wavy with a few spirals here and there? The hair typing system categorises hair textures into different categories and subcategor...
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How to Protect Your Curls While Exercising

For those with curly hair, maintaining healthy curls can be a challenge, especially when you're active and regularly sport or exercise. The combina...
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Type 3B Hair: Everything you need to know

Is your hair naturally very springy and curly, does it sometimes sit perfectly (after hours of styling), and other days you just can't seem to make...
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Type 4B Hair: Everything You Need to Know

  Is your natural hair tightly coiled, resembling a z-shape curl pattern, and possessing a fluffy, voluminous texture? If you're nodding in agreeme...
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Type 2B Hair: Everything you need to know

If you're blessed with beautiful natural wavy hair, that falls somewhere between straight and curly. You have wavy strands that create a gorgeous n...
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How to balance moisture and protein for your curly hair

We’re going to talk about something that has a lot of Curlies in our community confused: the balance between moisture and protein. This is not just...
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Curl Education

Want to get the most out of your curls and make them shine like never before? Here's everything you need to know to make it happen! From simple tips & tricks for volume to a detailed explanation about the porosity of your hair.

learn about curls

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the movement

the movement

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the movement

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the movement

the movement

the movement

the movement

the movement

the movement

the movement

the movement

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the movement

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